May 30, 2008

An Interesting Article

There is a great article today featured on SportsShooter. I find it very relevant to my business. I know all photographers (it does not matter what speciality) struggle with "free" competition. Many times I try to explain this to people but have never put it as elegantly as Matt Brown. Take a read and let me know what you think. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts.

What I like to tell people is, would you like it if somebody did your job for free or at a discount rate because it is just something they do when they have free time and have no need for the extra money. I am by no means trying to discourage anyone from pursuing their dreams or just trying to get better at taking pictures. I have helped several people out over the past year understand their camera a little more and hopefully helped them produce better results.

I will get off my soapbox for today. Thanks for reading.

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