February 27, 2008

Lakota West At Oak Hills Basketball

The Freshmen game was the first of two totally different events I covered on a Saturday in January. These 2 teams have a rivalry building between them. The Varsity teams are normally 1-2 in the division standings. That carries down to the other teams as well. Lots of physical battles throughout the game. Since the game started at 11am in the morning and it was bright out I tried to avoid aiming at the glass doors while covering the game. All that light is great coming through the door except for when it back lights a player. I could do some nice shadows of the players but that is not normally very interesting with regards to basketball. So here are traditional images from the game.

I think defense if important and I like getting shots of the players getting in their defensive stance.
I did not crop this all the way in because I wanted the reflection to remain in the image.
See how the light from the doors blows out the top left side of the image.

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